What Are Himalayan Salt Lamps? First, let’s find out where Himalayan Salt Lamps come from. As you can tell from the name, the salt in these lamps originates from the Himalayas, a mountain region that spans approximately 1,500 miles through Pakistan, India, Bhutan, and Nepal. Himalayan salt lamps are made of crystals cut from amber-colored rock salt, hollowed down to accommodate a lightbulb inside. When you light them, they emit a pleasant, warm reddish light. Salt lamps are renowned for their soothing atmosphere, and many people enjoy their aesthetic appeal. But besides their appealing aesthetics, salt lamps provide many health benefits. So How Do Himalayan Salt Lamps Work? Salt lamps emit negative ions. Ions are molecules that have experienced a shift in charge. Ions are everywhere. Some ions originate from elements in outer space that find their way to Earth. Other ions develop closer to our planet, from radioactivity, sunshine, lightning, or the collision of microscopic water droplets in the atmosphere. Negative ions are ions that have acquired an electron. Positive ions, on the contrary, have lost one. Salt lamps function by giving out negative ions. Salt crystals generate negative ions when illuminated by an incandescent lamp, which counteracts the positive ions in the air by discharging them. This results in improved air quality and numerous health benefits. Here are the top 5 health benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps Anxiety and stress reduction Himalayan salt lamps are natural mood boosters and relaxation aid, so lighting a salt lamp is a great way to unwind after a stressful day. The negative ions improve blood and oxygen flow to the brain and other vital organs, providing a boost of serotonin, the neurotransmitter which makes us feel happy. Chromotherapy (colour therapy), is an alternative technique of diagnosing and treating a wide range of diseases, makes use of Himalayan salt lamps. They give out a soothing glow of orange, yellow, and red light that aids in reducing tension, stress, and anxiety.  Improved air quality Common household items like TVs and mobile phones emit positive ions into the air on a regular basis, and computers and tablets are no exception. These and other popular electronic devices may result in a buildup of electromagnetic radiation, which can have long-term negative consequences. When people are exposed to electromagnetic radiation on a daily basis, their immune systems deteriorate and they become more fatigued. The negatively charged ions emitted by Himalayan salt lamps help to enhance the air quality. Negative ions are generated when the salt crystals and light from the bulb work together to neutralize the positive ions. As a result, the amount of positive electrons is reduced, and electromagnetic radiation gets neutralized. Better sleep Positive ions in the air may deprive you of restful sleep if you are exposed to them for an extended period. Positively charged particles decrease blood and oxygen flow to the brain, causing sleep patterns to become disrupted. Natural negative ion generators like Himalayan salt lamps may assist in reversing the effects of a condition like this. Place a few in your bedroom to enhance the air quality and help you sleep better. Reduction of asthma and allergy symptoms  Using Himalayan salt lamps, you can significantly reduce allergy symptoms by removing airborne allergens like dust, pet hair, mildew, and mould from the surrounding area. After several, even individuals suffering from asthma usually notice a significant improvement. Enhanced blood flow Negative ions, such as those produced by Himalayan salt lamps, can enhance blood flow, according to some research. In addition to helping in the treatment of various cardiovascular system diseases, this boost has the potential to protect the lungs from the harmful impact of air pollution.